Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How Much Of My Diet Is Toxic?

My diet doesn't of consist hardly any toxic foods choices. First, I would start my morning off with breakfast. I have a homemade smoothie, the contents is a couple of strawberries,some milk a banana and last a little french vanilla creamer.Blend it together and that's breakfast. For lunch; I had a slice of pepperoni pizza and a sobee drink to go with that. Then for dinner, I ate some fry fish that was fried then stew, some rice and green beans and some mango juice. In the late night, I had some African food that was prepared by my mom friend. She made some cow skin and dried fish in cassava leaves. In contrast, to Morgan Spurlock diet was all toxic. His diet consists of McDonald's' all day long for breakfast lunch and dinner. It fat content were high and also was loaded with calories. His diet is very bad for your health and it's very toxic.

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