Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How Much Of My Diet Is Toxic?

My diet doesn't of consist hardly any toxic foods choices. First, I would start my morning off with breakfast. I have a homemade smoothie, the contents is a couple of strawberries,some milk a banana and last a little french vanilla creamer.Blend it together and that's breakfast. For lunch; I had a slice of pepperoni pizza and a sobee drink to go with that. Then for dinner, I ate some fry fish that was fried then stew, some rice and green beans and some mango juice. In the late night, I had some African food that was prepared by my mom friend. She made some cow skin and dried fish in cassava leaves. In contrast, to Morgan Spurlock diet was all toxic. His diet consists of McDonald's' all day long for breakfast lunch and dinner. It fat content were high and also was loaded with calories. His diet is very bad for your health and it's very toxic.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The anonymous calls to the 50

I would have to agree with this statement. I think that residents of Twenty Two Hobart Street should of anonymously called the Police. If the residents had called the Police for every incident that happened in the project, I will have to say the outcome of incidents would of being different. First lets start with the loitering of the gangs, If the police was called every time the gangs were seen loitering, Devonna and her baby might still be alive,due to the fact of the brazen shooting that probably would of never happen.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Real Deal

The Character Hawk is a believable to me. With many of the decisions that he made, you could of seen, he been in this position before. He already knew how most of Major reaction was going to be. He knew if he gave in to Major it would all be over,So he had to be the bigger one on the block. The way how Spencer describe the reaction of Hawk even down to his eye contact with the gang he was well a believable character.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Unexpected Visit from Mom

Morgan and Daton, was struggling with the project of being parents. However, you would of taught with an unexpected visit from mom would of helped, reinforced what both of them were there for. I noticed when Morgan opened the door she was not excited to see her mother. I can tell she and mom don't have a connection,also this experiment will not work,having children will put a strain on any relationship.I can already see the out come for both of them. Advise I would of given to Morgan mother,is to be supportive of them both,not so pushy.The mom was Argumentative so she brought on extra stress on the relationship.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


As I watched, the Baby Borrowers’ today, about five teenage couple, I think it would have been a very controversial for me and my children and to look at. First of all, I would not like for my children to sleep in bed with someone of the opposite sex, whether it was a boy friend or not. Anyway wanting a baby and having a baby is two different things. A baby is lot of responsibility, been pregnant alone comes with a lot of risk, you can die giving birth also the baby can die it’s just to so much responsibility. As I watch the teens, none of them seem to have any patience or responsibility. The babies that there were caring for wasn’t even new born, and you could already see how much stress all of them was under. The couple that did an alright job so far, was the couple from Texas, Jordan and Sasha. Both of them seem to be learning from each other. Even with both of them learning, I would give all of them a couple of days, I think all of them would get frustrated and cry to go home.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A moment In Time to Present

As I notice the red ,white and blue colors all over the quilt. I couldn't help notice the black and white letters than stand out. It was letters of many details,one with signature from Harry Truman, also a letter from CPL Virgil C Childress with number 33I27658 125 th (mobile). There were many faces of African American troops,that fought for America's freedom before there had freedom from slavery.
As I notice a coffin all drape with the American flag,standing at the funeral only the faces of African American Soldiers,dress in uniformed.
Then it really hit me that the struggle,heart ache death and pain, on this historic day November 4,2008,our 44 th President Barrack Obama had made the impossible possible, only then I really heard the cries out from the graves. As I was finish writing down my thought the last thing I notice was the Amendment 15(1870) States shall not denied the right of citizens based on race, color or previous condition of servitude i.e. slavery.

Don Ed Hardy Fashion Creation

What I like about Pop Culture today is Fashion, one particular is Ed Hardy. His collection is bold and colorful, from tigers to butterflies also
skulls. It has hit pop culture with a "bang"even in my house hold. My daughter is know as the Princess of Ed Hardy. At last I can say with all his hard work and tattoo creation to fashion,he has hit us with all his creation.