Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Real Deal

The Character Hawk is a believable to me. With many of the decisions that he made, you could of seen, he been in this position before. He already knew how most of Major reaction was going to be. He knew if he gave in to Major it would all be over,So he had to be the bigger one on the block. The way how Spencer describe the reaction of Hawk even down to his eye contact with the gang he was well a believable character.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Unexpected Visit from Mom

Morgan and Daton, was struggling with the project of being parents. However, you would of taught with an unexpected visit from mom would of helped, reinforced what both of them were there for. I noticed when Morgan opened the door she was not excited to see her mother. I can tell she and mom don't have a connection,also this experiment will not work,having children will put a strain on any relationship.I can already see the out come for both of them. Advise I would of given to Morgan mother,is to be supportive of them both,not so pushy.The mom was Argumentative so she brought on extra stress on the relationship.